Neuage – PhD thesis on Conversational analysis of chat room talk - updated 8 November 2001

Conversational Analysis of Chat Room Talk PHD thesis by       Dr. Terrell Neuage  University of South Australia National Library of Australia.

THESIShome ~ Abstract.html/pdf ~ Glossary.html/pdfIntroduction.html/pdf  ~ methodology.html/pdf  ~ literature review.html/pdfCase Study 1.html/pdf~ 2.html/pdf~ 3.html/pdf~  4.html/pdf~ 5.html/pdf~  6.html/pdf~  7.html/pdf~ discussion.html/pdf  ~ conclusion.html~ postscipt.html/pdf~ O*D*A*M.html/pdf~ Bibliography.html/pdf~  911~ thesis-complete.htm/~ Terrell Neuage Home Appendixes  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.  ~ Case Study   1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ These links are from early notes and not the final edits which are in the published version available at the University of South Australia only. Not all links are active due to changing domains. Home page see




Methods for chapter three                 Discourse Analysis


According to Tannen (1989, p6) the term Discourse Analysis does not refer to a particular method of analysis. It does not describe a theoretical perspective or methodological framework but instead describes the object of study: language beyond the sentence. We can make use of this perspective by saying language beyond the a single turn-taking taken within a context of other utterances by the same ‘speaker’ creates a dialogue whereas the single utterance on its own often is difficult to find meaning for.  This concept will be developed in the study of this case study.

Discourse Analysis studies complete text (both written and spoken), giving attention to textual form, structure and organization at all levels; phonological, grammatical, lexical and higher levels of textual organization in terms of exchange systems, structures of argumentation, and generic structures: within social, political and institutional practices of dialogue (Fairclough 1982, 89, 95). Its analysis then extends out to its social and cultural context and is translated into a meaning that one responds to in a following turn-taking sequence in the chat room.

Incomplete methods section – note forum

Protocol (not developed)







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